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Jennifer Murphy-Vick
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  • signed Break up Big Ag 2024-09-14 17:24:30 -0500

    Break Up Big Ag

    32 signatures

    Four corporations control the meat industry, one corporation controls most of soy, five corporations control 90% of global grain markets, four corporations control most of the seed market, only an handful of corporations control most of the ag equipment market, and more. Even just 25 years ago, this was not the case. These corporations squeeze family farmers out of business while also raising prices for consumers. We call for the Department of Justice and other agencies to break up Big Ag.

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  • signed Reproductive Justice 2024-06-02 17:57:18 -0500
    Great idea

    Healthcare Freedom & Women's Rights Platform Modernization

    We call for the Permanent Platform Committee during the 2024 Texas Democratic Convention to add the following, or equivalent, language to the TDP 2024 Platform under the “Reproductive Freedom and Personal Choice” section:

    90 signatures
    1. Enshrine the right to pre-viability abortion care in US law and the US Constitution;
    2. The government should stay out of Texans’ right to make personal and responsible decisions about whether and when to bear children, in consultation with their families, physicians, personal consciences, and/or their faith;
    3. Keep the government small when it comes to reproductive choices and let people be free to make their own decisions;
    4. Protect doctors from any lawsuits from individuals, the state, or any form of government for protecting a person's bodily health, autonomy, and freedom;
    5. Ban any local, county, state, or federal government from preventing, fining, or jailing individuals, or those providing assistance, for traveling to get an abortion;
    6. Disallow public funds from being used to prosecute individuals or entities who provide reproductive healthcare;
    7. Enshrine the right to mifepristone and other medical abortion medications as a right to all pre-viability abortion;
    8. Enact paid parental leave for 6 months.
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  • Add the Indigenous Peoples Caucus to the SDEC

    The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well. 

    104 signatures

    We call for the Indigenous Peoples Caucus (IPC) to be added to the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC). The IPC represents those who have been historically persecuted and face a very unique set of contemporary issues. The Texas Democratic Party needs their voices in our decision making process, and it is only right to ensure the IPC has a seat at the table. 

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  • signed up on What is a Delegate & Why Be One (Slide Deck) 2024-05-24 20:11:58 -0500

    What is a Delegate & Why Be One (SLIDE DECK)

    Please complete this form to access the slide deck explaining what is a delegate and the convention process. 


    Click here to access the recording.

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  • signed Turn the TDP Chair into a Full-Time Position 2024-05-21 22:36:54 -0500

    Turn the TDP Chair into a Full-Time Position

    The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well. 

    106 signatures

    The Chair of the Texas Democratic Party is an important position. It's a disservice to the Party that whoever holds that position cannot give it their all. Furthermore, by not compensating the Chair position, we inadvertently dissuade working class people from leading the Texas Democrats. As such, we call for the State Chair to become a full-time, paid position within the Texas Democratic Party.

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  • Ranked-Choice Voting for Statewide Party Officers

    The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well. 

    352 signatures

    We call for rule changes to the Texas Democratic Party to institute ranked-choice voting for all party officer positions elected at the 2026 State Democratic Convention. It is confusing to our delegates to use ranked-choice for SDEC and committee members only to use an entirely other voting system for party officers. One common voting system will best serve our party. We also call for the party to institute electronic voting, including at in-person conventions, for to make our floor votes faster, easier, and more transparent. 

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  • wants to volunteer 2024-04-09 21:39:52 -0500

    Become a volunteer

  • signed up on April 6th Recording 2024-04-09 21:29:04 -0500

    April 6th Recording

  • signed up on April 2024 Slide Deck 2024-04-09 21:11:53 -0500

    April 2024 Slide Deck

    Please complete this form to access the slide deck from the above mentioned meeting.

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  • signed up on Run in 2024 2024-03-04 11:53:14 -0600

    Run for Delegate &/or Party Office in 2024!

    Want to become a state or national delegate for the 2024 Democratic Conventions? We need strong progressives and reformers to become delegates. Join our progressive movement today!

    Please provide us with your full address so we will know what district you're in. This will be important for us to know as we prepare for 2024.

    Once you complete the form, you'll be directed to the TX Dem's Pre-Registration Form. 


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