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Join the Texas Progressive Caucus and our allies during our Week of Progressive Action (WPA) as we lay the groundwork for a blue wave in November! During the WPA, the TXPC and our allies will be hosting postcard parties, phone banks, and/or text banks around Texas to support candidates up and down the ballot. This will lay the groundwork for our big push to get folks out to vote!
Four corporations control the meat industry, one corporation controls most of soy, five corporations control 90% of global grain markets, four corporations control most of the seed market, only an handful of corporations control most of the ag equipment market, and more. Even just 25 years ago, this was not the case. These corporations squeeze family farmers out of business while also raising prices for consumers. We call for the Department of Justice and other agencies to break up Big Ag.
The Texas Progressive Caucus (TXPC) thanks President Biden for his years of service to our country and for putting the needs of our country and our party above his own.
While we disagree with President Biden's handling of certain areas of foreign policy, we appreciate his immense achievements in domestic policy.
President Biden has been the most progressive President since at least LBJ. He was the first U.S. President to join striking workers during UAW’s successful push against corporate greed. He is bringing back U.S. manufacturing via the Chips Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), not to mention the IRA has invested billions into green energy manufacturing, use, and other infrastructure. He made history by appointing the first black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and was the first President since FDR to call for the modernization of SCOTUS. In the areas of foreign policy we agree with him on, he helped Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression, expanded NATO, and brought dignity back to the office of the President of the United States.
Biden’s domestic policies deserve great praise and recognition. Credit must be given where it’s due.
We also credit Biden with listening to the Party's will and letting a new generation take the lead.
The TXPC adamantly believes that the process of electing a Democratic Nominee for U.S. President must be fair, transparent, and aligned with the will of the people. National delegates must be allowed to make their own decisions as they see fit, ensuring that our commitment to democracy and the will of the people is upheld.
The TXPC motto is #YourCaucusYourVoice, so we sought guidance from our membership. At this point, through a recent survey, Vice President Kamala Harris has received 83% of our members' support.
As a U.S. Senator, Harris firmly supported the climate, pro-worker fair trade, and workers' rights, even going against then-President Obama on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She sided with Senator Bernie Sanders by voting against Trump’s US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) on the grounds that it did not do enough for workers or the climate.
All said, the TXPC encourages:
The progressive movement has made significant progress in the last few years. President Biden played his role in pushing aspects of it forward. Now, we need to ensure we keep our momentum and expand the progressive movement to new heights.
Click below to see current or past Texas Progressive Caucus surveys.
The TXPC looks for your guidance. Please take our survey to let us know if you support Kamala Harris for the Democratic Nominee. The TXPC may use these surveys to inform the TX delegation on who our members support.
Take the surveyFill this out to request a speaker from the TXPC. Please put your personal zip code in the "Zip Code" field, and put the speaking address in the "Request Speaker" field.
You can also email us at info[at]texasprogressivecaucus[dot]org, or text/call us at 5[One]2-6[Four]8-4[Two]67.
Request SpeakerSee our various free news & resources below. More to come!
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The Texas Progressive Caucus is guided by our Founding Principle, which is rooted in the modern meaning of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. We believe that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are justice, freedom, and opportunity.
We believe that all people, regardless of birth or circumstance, should be treated with dignity and given the real opportunity to achieve health and happiness. We recognize that, as President Franklin Roosevelt stated, we must build our country into one where no one is left out. We recognize that we all go up or else all go down as one people. Everyone does better when everyone does better.
As we stand fully committed to our Founding Principle as stated above, we recognize there can be nuances in policies in how we ultimately achieve our vision. While TXPC members as described in Article II must agree and abide by our Founding Principles, we respect differences of opinion on how exactly to achieve our goals. We also respect where each individual member falls on the Overton Spectrum Path to Progressivism.
To that end, all TXPC members must agree to at least some of the policies we believe will endow all people with justice, freedom, and opportunity.
Table of Contents
Article I: General
Article II: Membership
Article III: Meetings
Article IV: Election of Officers
Article V: Officers and Other Positions
Article VI: Executive Committee
Article VII: Dissolution
Article VIII: Parliamentary
Article IX: Changes
Section 1: Name
The Texas Progressive Caucus shall be organized as a General-Purpose Political Action Committee (a “PAC”) as defined by the Texas Ethics Commission and shall adhere to the regulations set out in Title 15 of the Texas Election Code (chapters 251 – 258) and in the rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission applicable to political committees, and shall be known as the Texas Progressive Caucus hereinafter referred to as TXPC or the Caucus.
Section 2: Purpose
Section 3: Statement of Principles
Section 1: Membership Eligibility
Section 2: Membership Application
Any applicant shall become a member upon payment of the regularly scheduled Annual Fees as provided in Section 3 below.
Section 3: Annual Fees
The annual fees shall be set one month before the TXPC caucus at the Texas Democratic State Convention. Members renewing their membership or new members joining at any time will pay the normal fees. The Executive Committee has the authority to waive fees when deemed necessary. The Executive Committee may offer scholarships to those who are unable to pay their annual fees. Organizations may donate to the TXPC to assist with the scholarship and other funds.
Section 4: Membership Cancellation
Membership of any member may be canceled by TXPC for non-payment of dues after 30 days past the due date. Members may be expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee for conduct unbecoming a member or prejudicial to the aims or repute of TXPC after thirty (30) days written notice and opportunity at the subsequent meeting for a hearing before a quorum of the Executive Committee to confirm the action.
Section 5: Voting Rights
A member’s fees, unless waived by the Executive Committee, must be paid in full thirty (30) days before a scheduled meeting to vote on TXPC issues.
Section 6: Executive Committee of TXPC
The TXPC’s Executive Committee shall consist of four (4) Officers elected per the process outlined in Article IV. The immediate past President will be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and shall cast the deciding vote in case there is a voting tie between the four officers.
Section 7: Advisory Board of TXPC
An Advisory Board shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee of TXPC as per Article IV.
Section 1: General Meetings
General meetings shall be held quarterly on a regular date and time, in person or online by video, to be set by the Executive Committee and published to all members. Should it become necessary for a regular meeting to be rescheduled, the Executive Committee must give electronic notice to the membership at least fourteen days prior to the alternate meeting day.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President or by one-third of the Executive Committee with e-mail notice at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. No business not stated in the call shall be transacted. Notice shall be sent to each member at least ten days prior to such meeting.
Section 3: Executive Committee Meetings
Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held quarterly to prepare for the general monthly meeting. As necessary, the Executive Committee may hold special meetings.
Section 4: Quorums
A majority of the Officers present at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5: Rules of Procedure
All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be settled according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 6: Referendum Votes
Upon request in writing 10% of the members in good standing, or by the President, or by a majority of the Executive Committee upon its own initiative, a question or issue may be submitted to the members for email referendum vote; the ballot for such vote shall be accompanied by briefs stating both sides of the question or issue.
Section 1: Nomination
Any member of TXPC wishing to run for an officer position must submit their name for such a position to the Election Committee by the date noted by the Election Committee for such election.
Section 2: Elections
The TXPC Officers shall be elected in even-numbered years for a two-year term, and the procedure and timeline for election of the Officers shall be as follows:
Section 3: Special Elections
Special elections shall be held as deemed necessary by the Advisory Board upon a request from the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Vacancies
Any vacancy necessitated by the inability of an Officer to serve out his/her full term of office shall be filled by appointment by the Advisory Board for the remainder of that term.
Section 5: Voting Qualifications
In order to vote in an election of TXPC, membership dues must have been paid at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which an election takes place.
Section 6: Tie Votes
Section 1: Officers
Section 2: Limitation of Authority
Section 3: Government
Section 4: Terms of Office
Section 5: President
Section 6: Vice President
Section 7: Treasurer
Section 8: Secretary
Section 9: Committees
Section 10: Compensation
Section 1: Authority and Responsibility
Section 2: Attendance Requirements
Section 3: Removal of Officers
Section 1: Dissolution
Section 1: Parliamentary Authority
These Bylaws may be changed or amended provided that all proposed changes shall be presented in writing at some previous regular meeting and laid over for action. Changes to these Bylaws shall be made in the following manner: The desired changes must be first set forth in a written resolution passed by the Executive Committee. A special meeting shall then be called in accordance with ARTICLE III, Section 2. A copy of the proposed change(s) shall also accompany the meeting notice. No change(s) will be effective until approved by the larger of either a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any regular or special meeting or a quorum, with strict adherence to quorum requirements as stipulated in ARTICLE III, Section 4 of these Bylaws.
Angel Smith is the Treasurer of the TXPC, an SDEC member for CD 38, and is a Precinct Chair in Harris County.
JT Beebe is a Quality Assurance Tester with a fervent dedication to social justice. With over a decade of involvement in PC and mobile game development, JT has honed a sharp eye for detail in his work. Beyond the gaming realm, JT serves as the Social Media Director and Advisory Board member of the Southwest Democrats.
Trish Contreras is the Secretary of the TXPC, President of Indivisible Austin, Precinct Chair for Guadalupe County, and community organizer who promotes civic engagement through grassroots organizing, encouraging activists to build collective power in their communities to improve and change the status quo.