We call for the Permanent Platform Committee during the 2024 Texas Democratic Convention to add the following, or equivalent, language to the TDP 2024 Platform under the “Reproductive Freedom and Personal Choice” section:
All Americans deserve the right to support themselves and their families. The Democratic Party should support legislation and policies that break apart corporate monopolies, support a living wage, good jobs for all, the right to repair for farmers, and more.
Federated CRM System for County Parties
Cost savings will be hard to calculate, given the various data sizes. It could be more, less, or equal to the amount saved with the federated website system.
Most folks outside of the Party DO NOT DISTINGUISH the difference between the State or the County Parties. We know and recognize the difference. Most people do not.
Because of this, all work a County Party does will reflect directly on the TDP and vice versa. The more resources a County Party can put into GOTV and less into overhead, the better for us all.
We need to centralize better and automate certain processes while maintaining local control. Federated websites and CRM systems are a great way to boost long-term effectiveness & efficiency.
We call upon the TDP to create a federated CRM system for all county parties so that resources can be better spent on GOTV and other matters.
We call upon the Texas Democratic Party to allow remote voting for State Delegates starting in 2026. This measure, which passed the Permanent Rules Committee in 2024 but was killed by the quorum break, will allow delegates who are unable to attend in person to still have their voices heard. Too few Democrats are able to truly participate in the State Convention -- whether due to not being able to take time off from work, limited financial resources, illness, and more. This reform will allow them to participate in the governance of their Party.
We call upon the Convention Rules Committee to institute reasonable term limits such as 2 four-year terms for Party Executive Officers, the State Chair, Vice-Chair, and such, and 5 two-year terms for members of the State Democratic Executive Committee.
The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well.
The Chair of the Texas Democratic Party is an important position. It's a disservice to the Party that whoever holds that position cannot give it their all. Furthermore, by not compensating the Chair position, we inadvertently dissuade working class people from leading the Texas Democrats. As such, we call for the State Chair to become a full-time, paid position within the Texas Democratic Party.
Justice must be for all or it will inevitably be for none. The Democratic Party needs to support any legislation or policies that support justice for all -- from ending no-knock raids, increasing police accountability, fixing the justice system, fixing bail, ending the cannabis prohibition, and more.
Healthcare is a human right. The Democratic Party should support any and all legislation to expand affordable, quality healthcare to all residents in USA -- including but not limited to Medicare expansion, full expansion of the ACA, and Medicare for All or any other universal system of healthcare.
Given that one of our 2022 Convention Chairs misspoke and caused us to lose quorum, it is evident that anyone who serves as a convention chair MUST know our rules, stick to the script, and be well prepared. The SDEC shall have oversight to ensure these qualifications are met.
Want to become a state or national delegate for the 2024 Democratic Conventions? We need strong progressives and reformers to become delegates. Join our progressive movement today!
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