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  • Allow for Electronic Voting for State Delegates

    132 signatures

    We call upon the Texas Democratic Party to allow remote voting for State Delegates starting in 2026. This measure, which passed the Permanent Rules Committee in 2024 but was killed by the quorum break, will allow delegates who are unable to attend in person to still have their voices heard. Too few Democrats are able to truly participate in the State Convention -- whether due to not being able to take time off from work, limited financial resources, illness, and more. This reform will allow them to participate in the governance of their Party.

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  • signed up on Join 2025-01-23 13:13:32 -0600


    Are you interested in becoming a state or national delegate in 2026? Want to help us make the Party more progressive? Sign up today!

    The TXPC helps and supports progressives entering the Texas Democratic Party.

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  • donated 2025-02-01 15:56:33 -0600

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  • signed Peace in the Middle East 2024-11-09 17:27:42 -0600

    Peace in the Middle East

    Regardless of where we come from or how we worship, every family wants to be happy, healthy, and free to live our lives. All of us want peace, justice, and the right to self-determination. This applies to all who call Earth home.

    The Middle East is spiraling toward an ever-more destructive path that will kill many innocents, including children. Acts of revenge do not create peace. They do not find justice. Nor do they ensure self-determination for anyone. With over tens of thousands of innocents killed, the cycle of violence must end.

    And yet, as more children end up in coffins, many of our politicians are pushing for greater war just to fill the War Machine's corporate coffers. Instead of pushing for peace, many of our politician puppets, ignoring the 70% of Americans who want a ceasefire and de-escalation, point figures and stoke divisions to keep themselves in power while giving kickbacks to their mega-donors.

    When we reject these divide and distract tactics to come together, we can push for a lasting and just peace for all.

    This is a joint petition between the Texas Progressive Caucus, the Asian American Democrats of Texas, and the Muslim Democratic Caucus of Texas. 

    66 signatures

    Our Ask: Consideration for U.S. aid to Israel should include;

    1. an end to the indiscriminate bombing of a civilian population, 
    2. consideration for a permanent ceasefire,
    3. commitments to vital humanitarian assistance into Gaza, 
    4. the right of return for displaced Gazans, 
    5. guarantees of no long-term Israeli re-occupation or blockade of Gaza, 
    6. an end to settler violence and settlement expansion in the West Bank, and
    7. finding a true political, economic, and diplomatic solution to end the cycle of violence. 

    Why Act? The mass killing of civilians, including children, is unacceptable and is a violation of international law. Netanyahu's extremist government is relentlessly assaulting civilians and rendering Gaza uninhabitable. Senators, including Bernie Sanders, Chris Murphy, and Peter Welch are now considering proposals for conditioning military aid to Israel and ending the blank check approach that has clearly not contributed to peace or security for either Israelis or Palestinians. Giving $14.3 billion without any conditions to Netanyahu, following the killing of over 5,000 children and expecting better results in the future, is unconscionable and reckless. 

    Our Mission: We urge you to connect with your Members of Congress now and demand that they place much-needed restrictions on the $14.3 billion aid package to Israel to ensure that such aid is not used to harm civilians. Our campaign, "No Blank Checks to Netanyahu," is a call for accountability and a much overdue oversight over how foreign militaries use U.S. tax dollars. 

    What's at Stake: Reassessing U.S. aid to Israel is a matter of extreme urgency, especially as we have the power to leverage our position and influence to promote de-escalation in the region, advocating for a political resolution over military intervention. This reassessment is critical to prevent complacency in actions that may violate international law and compromise our commitments to human rights.

    Take action today and connect with your elected officials to demand accountability for U.S. aid to Israel. Together, let's end the blank check approach. #NoBlankChecksToNetanyahu

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  • commented on TXPC Calls for Open Process for Selecting New TDP Chair 2024-11-09 16:56:41 -0600
    The SDEC election process, including the meeting in which SDEC votes, should be streamed and physically open to the public. I agree with all the above. Having been on the SDEC, I know that many discussions are bifurcated (public and secret). Also, we need to push all rules to be followed strictly or eliminated. Party leaders have had their fingers on the scale ( both state and national) for decades on top ballot candidates, rules and platform. Sorry I missed this afternoon’s meeting. I am so proud of this caucus and grateful to those who have had the spine and gonads to create and sustain it.
  • wants to volunteer 2024-05-09 00:09:54 -0500

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