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Kelli Patin

Kelli Patin

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  • signed Term Limits 2024-06-14 11:43:09 -0500

    Term Limits

    44 signatures

    We call upon the Convention Rules Committee to institute a two-consecutive four-year term limit for Party Executive Officers, such as for the State Chair, Vice-Chair, etc.

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  • Ranked-Choice Voting for Statewide Party Officers

    The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well. 

    352 signatures

    We call for rule changes to the Texas Democratic Party to institute ranked-choice voting for all party officer positions elected at the 2026 State Democratic Convention. It is confusing to our delegates to use ranked-choice for SDEC and committee members only to use an entirely other voting system for party officers. One common voting system will best serve our party. We also call for the party to institute electronic voting, including at in-person conventions, for to make our floor votes faster, easier, and more transparent. 

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  • signed Allow for Remote Voting for State Delegates 2024-06-14 11:42:46 -0500

    Allow for Remote Voting for State Delegates

    "Remote voting" in this instance means for state delegates who are unable to attend. In-person delegates may still be allowed to vote in however means they deem necessary. The Permanent Rules Committee passed this proposal and we now ask for the General Body to support it as well. 

    105 signatures

    We call upon the Texas Democratic Party to allow remote voting for State Delegates starting in 2026. This measure passed the Permanent Rules Committee and will allow delegates who are unable to attend in-person to still have their voices heard. Too few Democrats are able to truely participate in the State Convention -- whether due to not being able to take time off from work, limited financial resources, illness, and more. This reform will allow them to participate in the governance of their Party.

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  • Subpages for All County Parties on TDP's Website

    Federated Website System for County Parties

    • Similar to the Unions, allow counties to create/manage subpages on the TDP page.
    • EX: would go to the LCDP site, even if it’s just a forward link.

    If the average website cost is $20/mo+ $20/yr for URL purchase and there are 254 counties, then collectively, all county parties could be spending up to $66,000/yr. Certain subpage systems can reduce this cost to $10/mo or less per website w/ no need to buy a URL, saving upwards of $35,500/yr.

    Most folks outside of the Party DO NOT DISTINGUISH the difference between the State or the County Parties. We know and recognize the difference. Most people do not.

    Because of this, all work a County Party does will reflect directly on the TDP and vice versa. The more resources a County Party can put into GOTV and less into overhead, the better for us all.

    We need to centralize better and automate certain processes while maintaining local control. Federated websites and CRM systems are a great way to boost long-term effectiveness & efficiency.

    17 signatures

    We call upon the TDP to create a federated system of websites for all county parties so that resources can be better spent on GOTV and other matters.

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